Shine on Colorado

by Jai Johnson
Shine on Colorado
Jai Johnson
Photograph - Artistic Photography
Having family in an evacuation area in Colorado, and watching the reports of the devastation from wildfire there on this last week of June 2012, I felt compelled to do what I always do when deeply affected emotionally by a situation...which is to create something beautiful. Even though things look dark now, with so many people being displaced and having lost their homes, there is light, there is hope, and I promise you, you will see miracles as a result of this. This artistic photo is a compilation of several photos taken by me and my family over the years, and I hope you will see the light as a beacon of hope for the future. Shine on, Colorado. You will recover and your state will become beautiful again. God Bless each and every person affected by this disaster. My heart is with you.
June 28th, 2012